Honda Concept S and Concept C show Chinese style

I have to say that this closer look at the Concept S makes me appreciate it much more, and the Concept C is just gorgeous, I really hope that this is the direction of the next Honda Accord for North America!

Honda, in an effort to match Toyota’s triple concept outing in Beijing, premiered two concept vehicles developed for the Chinese market, called the Concept C and Concept S.

The names sound rather sedate upon first glance, but the C in this case stands for China and also Challenge and Cool, while the S translates into Stylish, Smart and Surprise, the company says.

Nothing too boring about the looks though, with the Concept C looking very much like a stretched and sleeked-out Accord on steroids – that dramatic front end won’t probably see the light of day in the production model, but much of the concept looks workable. Honda is set to develop the Concept C into a production model sometime next year.

Meanwhile, no mistaking the intent of the Concept S, a people mover in the mould of the Stream, but with more swoops and curves. Designed from the start as a hybrid offering, the Concept S will arrive in Chinese showrooms in 2013, produced and sold by Dongfeng Honda.

It won’t stop there – while the Concept S may have been developed with China as its primary market in mind, the vehicle is set to expand its presence by becoming a global offering in 2014.
