Acura “Closely” Considering TSX Wagon

Wagons have been in the news quite a bit lately—Cadillac is soon to launch a CTS wagon, Mercedes-Benz just unwrapped the eccentric E-class wagon. We’ve now heard that Acura may be on the verge of bringing out a wagon version of the TSX.

“We’re closely, closely looking at it,” said John Watts, senior manager of Acura product planning. Watts believes that the younger part of the target market for the TSX—specifically the Gen Y portion—might be open to such a variant. “Boomers, and [the older among] Gen X, who had wagons as kids don’t want one, but the new kids do,” he said. Count us in that group, too, Johnny.
It wouldn’t be hard to develop, either. A wagon version of the TSX already is sold abroad as the Honda Accord Touring. All Acura would have to do is rebadge the thing and get it approved by the feds . . . the automotive equivalent of flickin’ a (somewhat costly) switch. And with everyone looking for handy, stylish, and thrifty alternatives to gas-guzzling SUVs, we think the time is right for said switch to be flicked.
