Americans Say EVs Are the Way to Go, According to Honda [Video]

If you thought the American public was generally misinformed and ignorant, you’d be wrong, as according to a recent video posted online by Honda, they have strong opinions and are generally informed about ‘green tech’ and the future of motoring.

Honda’s poll was conducted with 1,000 people from the US, and it was discovered that 37% of people think that pure EVs are the way to go into the future, with regular gasoline and biofuel tying for second place with 19%, hydrogen coming 4th with 13%, and natural gas (surprisingly) coming last with 12% of people considering it ‘the fuel of future’.

People were also asked what was the threshold when it came to gas prices which would determine them to ‘go green’ and purchase an alternatively-fueled vehicle. Of the people questioned, 60% said they would opt for a ‘green’ alternative if the price of gas would surpass the the $6 (€4.78) per gallon mark, with 30% saying they would make the swap if prices passed the $5 (€3.98) per gallon mark. Curiously, 15% of people said they would never buy a fuel sipper, no matter how draconic the oil industry would become - a very odd and surprising statistic.

The video also proves that Americans have heard of aerodynamics, though too many of them fail on the question of whether or not to keep the windows up or down on the highway to maximize efficiency.
